Welcome to Epwell’s Village website
Our village lies on the ironstone downs of North Oxfordshire, about seven miles to the west of Banbury, close to the county boundary with South Warwickshire and to the northern reach of the Cotswold escarpment.
The website holds lots of useful information about village events, organisations, services and Epwell’s fascinating history.
News items and events coming soon will be mentioned on this page. To suggest items contact editor@epwell.com
Epwell walking group Last Monday of month 10.30 to 12.30 am Meet at VH
Coffee mornings Second Wednesday of month 10.30 am to noon Village Hall.
Whist Evenings Village Hall Tuesdays once a month 7- 10 pm £5.
Parish Council meetings – minutes
Minutes of last meeting on 11th November 2024
Next PC meeting on Monday 13th January 2025 at 8pm. Please click here to view the agenda.
Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Cherwell Local Plan Review December 2024
CDC have prepared a new Local Plan for Cherwell and would like your views.
The public consultation will commence on the Local Plan on Thursday, 19 December 2024 for a period of 8 weeks. The consultation will close on Friday, 14 February 2025.
Further details about the consultation and where to access the documents are set out in the Statement of Representation Procedure. Please click here for further details.
School Admission poster for Reception applications. Please click here.
As part of the application process for Reception entry to infant and primary school, OCC are advertising the need for parents and carers of children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 to apply for a school place.
If parents or carers have any questions, they should be directed to the primary application web page which has all the information they need plus a link to the online application form: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
The School Admissions Team can be contacted direct on 0345 241 2487 or at admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Applications for Reception can be submitted from 4 November; and the deadline for receipt of completed school applications for Reception is 15 January 2025.
CDC Budget Consultation 2025/26
Cherwell District Council is inviting residents, parish authorities and other partners to have their say on its budget proposals for 2025-2026.
They are consulting on a balanced budget position. People can have their say from 22 November, with the consultation drawing to a close on 23 December.
Please participate by visiting cherwell.citizenspace.com.
As you know, local government has been navigating financial pressure for some time now, with inflation, austerity, and uncertainty about the funding councils receive from central government all playing a role.
With this budget CDC have put a great deal of work into absorbing these pressures by finding more effective ways of working. That means they have been able to protect their vital frontline services and minimize the impact on residents.
The council is proposing £1.02m of new efficiency savings and is seeking public feedback on proposed increases to fees for several specialist professional services. It is also considering a modest £6 or £10 annual increase in garden waste collection fees to better reflect the cost of providing the service while ensuring it remains in line with what neighbouring local authorities charge. The council also proposes to put up its share of the council tax by £5 a year for band D properties.
They are dedicated to supporting all their communities and creating a Cherwell that meets today’s diverse needs while preparing for tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities. With this in mind, as part of this consultation, they are also asking for people’s opinions on a new vision and strategy, to reinforce their commitment to become an even more modern, inspiring council focusing on what matters most to their residents.
Please click here to view the poster.
From Epwell. To Swalcliffe and back.
Local walks websites Shutford circular walks
At side of Village Hall. To activate you should call 999 and state location of the Village Hall. OX15 6LA. You will be given a code. Thereafter follow the instructions given by the device.
There are Community Choirs and Choral Societies
one based in Shenington, meeting on Wednesdays, click here
another in Brailes rehearsing on Sundays. See Brailes website
Stour Singers in Shipston rehearse on Thursdays 7.30 pm in Shipston. See their website.
Cherwell Choral Society meet on Tuesdays. See their website.
Cherwell District Council News
Banbury Vision 2050
See Reference section under Parish Council
EPWELL ECHO current issue

For roads go to : FixMyStreet
For other things like fly tipping use https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/report