The Epwell Echo is the local magazine for the residents of Epwell Village and Parish. It has been published and distributed free of charge to village dwellings since 1986. The magazine has always been a popular village icon and has had the benefit of a stream of volunteer publishing teams over the years. The Echo is financially supported by advertising revenues in the main together with welcome contributions from the Epwell Parish Council and individual villagers.
The editors are Marie Woodward and Caroline Frost, supported by Peter Koch de Gooreynd as Treasurer plus looking after all the advertising selling and administration.
It is the intention of the Echo team to continue to produce the Echo in printed form 6 times per year and to provide an electronic copy for availability to read / download on this Epwell website.
Contribution articles for publication in The Echo are always welcome and can be e-mailed to the editor at
Marie Woodward and Caroline Frost, with Francesco Totta (
Peter Koch de Gooreynd (
ADVERTS: Quarter page: £3 Half page: £6 Full page: £12 b/w, £18 colour